Installing the right racquetball court lighting can make all the difference to sport performance and player results. Country clubs, fitness centers and sport complexes find gym lighting equally important in supplying just the right level of brightness for comfort and safety.
High Cost and Inefficiency of Typical Gym Lighting Systems
As racquetball lighting systems age, the maintenance cost invariably increases. The multipurpose fixtures typically used in commercial building installations will provide adequate light; however, the level of lighting can be inefficient and costly to use. Many of the older styles of lighting fixtures consume large amounts of energy because they operate at 250 or 400 watts per light. Even at these high energy wattages, their capacity to offer quality lighting at the right brightness for racquetball is limited. Without the ability to control the lighting to differing levels on each court, these lights continue to consume energy at higher rates. In addition, the design of some commercial fixtures can cause frustration to racquetball players from an inadvertent ball deflecting from the lighting system.
Benefit from the Latest Indoor Sports Lighting
By renovating or completely replacing indoor sports lighting, businesses benefit from new technology that can drastically reduce maintenance costs and energy usage. Cutting edge designs in sports lighting allow for integrated ceiling fixtures that make ball deflection a thing of the past. Modern designs allow for more lights per fixture so that space is optimized while still providing an increase in court lighting.
Choose Advanced Courtlite® for the Ultimate in Racquetball Court Lighting
The T-5 fluorescent technology utilized by Courtlite® provides premium quality lighting that substantially reduces overall energy costs. Clubs may retrofit their existing light fixtures or install a completely new racquetball lighting system for the ultimate in on-court lighting. These advanced systems allow for customized directional lighting with various levels so that lights only operate on courts that are being used.
Increasing light quality, reducing energy and saving money is at the heart of Courtlite® racquetball lighting systems. Learn more about what Courtlite® can do to light up your courts today.
Tags: gym lightingindirect lighting fixturesindoor sports lightingracquetball court lightingracquetball lighting systemsports court lighting