Sports teach responsibility. Players learn to be responsible for their actions and teammates. They are pushed to excellence in the service of the greater good. This is why for generations, indoor gyms and courts around the world have been training grounds for the leaders of the next generation. For this reason, coaches try to instill a sense of respect for the gym and the court on which their athletes play.
An untold amount of kilowatt hours per year are wasted on antiquated sports lighting systems. Gym lights are often left on all day long so that athletes will not have to wait 15 or 20 minutes to begin practice. It is not uncommon for lights at sporting venues to run 16 hours a day, even when no one is in the building. This waste is not only irresponsible, but it is extremely expensive for the institution that supports the gym.
Yet there is a better way. Courtlite’s® T5 fluorescent gym fixtures are extremely energy-efficient and provide the highest quality of sports lighting allowing athletes to perform at their best and for fans to enjoy the game. Further, it uses 49% less electricity to power the same amount of floor space as traditional lighting. This alone could reduce an electric bill by almost half. Best yet, Courtlite’s® T5 fluorescent lighting system turn on to full power instantly. Since there is no need to wait for the lights to warm up, gym lights can be turned on and off as needed. Further, they can even be controlled by automated systems and motion detectors.
Courtlite’s® sports lighting systems are an effective and efficient way to provide lighting to any sports arena, and to model responsibility. For more information about how Courtlite can help you conserve in the best way please visit or contact us at 425.422.1744.
Tags: energy efficient sports lightingsports lighting systemT5 Fluorescent lightingT5 Fluorescent Sports Lighting fixtures