Your clients need proper lighting to enjoy a game of tennis, basketball, and racquetball. Providing a safe and enjoyable sports environment isn’t just about illuminating the court and calling it a day. Quality matters and your clients appreciate clean, attractive light.
High quality sports lighting makes your facility look more appealing, which is an important element of encouraging new members to join. High quality sports lighting is more efficient than traditional lighting solutions, giving you massive energy savings and the ability to highlight your facility’s eco-friendly design as a sales point.
Clients notice your lighting, even if they are not conscious of it. High-end lighting makes your facility more attractive, while old traditional solutions can make the facility appear grimy or weathered. Bright, clean light is one of the best investments you can make in sprucing up your existing sports areas. It’s unlikely that a client will ever mention your lighting solution in a Yelp review or feedback survey, but you can be sure lighting is a big factor in how they perceive the space.
At Courtlite, we’re an industry leading provider of sports lighting solutions. Our efficient, attractive, and innovative designs have been shown to improve light quality while reducing overall energy use. Our installation at the Mercer Island Country Club, for example, resulted in a total energy reduction of around 47%. Other projects have seen similar results.
We believe that powerful, efficient, and beautiful lighting solutions are an excellent way to freshen up an old facility or to ensure a new facility gets all the positive attention it deserves. Couple that philosophy with the incredible energy savings our solutions provide and you’ll begin to see how Courtlite can have a huge impact on your business.
For more information about our services please visit or contact us at 425.422.1744.
Tags: energy efficient sports lighting solutionsled sports lightingsports lighting solutionssports lighting systems