Courtlite® indirect systems provide more efficiency and higher light levels on the playing surface, and an extremely even lighting uniformity.
Courtlite® Indirect Lighting Systems
Until recently there was no efficient replacement for 1,000 watt metal halide indirect lighting systems. Today the Courtlite® Indirect tennis lighting system is the most efficient and manageable indirect lighting system available. Each Courtlite® indirect lighting system is totally engineered and designed for your facility, to provide for maximum energy reduction, and light quality. contact us today for a no cost energy audit of your facility, and lets see just how much a new Courtlite® Indirect system can save you.
Courtlite® offers two standards indirect options: Courtlite® Indirect Pro and Courtlite® Indirect Rec. We utilize the same Courtlite® Indirect fixtures, however the design, fixture quantity, and management capabilities differ.

Courtlite® Indirect Pro Lighting

Courtlite® Indirect Pro is the ultimate tennis indirect lighting system, offering tournament light levels with dimming capabilities for recreational play. The system wattage at tournament levels is 10,848-watts per court. The system can then be switched to recreational play using only 7,232-watts per court. Using the management abilities of this system gives you a multitude of light level choices with total control of your monthly electric cost.
Courtlite® Indirect Rec Lighting

Courtlite® Indirect Rec lighting system is the perfect choice for recreational facilities that want to dramatically reduce their energy cost while increasing their light quality. Courtlite® Indirect Rec system uses only 6,768-watts per court. When compared to metal halide indirect systems of nearly twice the wattage, the Courtlite® Indirect system provides better light quality and reduces the maintenance cost by 60% plus.

Courtlite® indirect fixtures feature a unique directional light output, unlike metal halide indirect fixtures that aim the light directly above the fixture and between the courts, leaving you with the highest light levels outside of the court. Courtlite® directs the indirect light more towards the ceiling over the playing surface of the court, providing more efficiency and higher light levels on the playing surface, and an extremely even lighting uniformity. The heavy gauge wire guard at the top is angled so the balls will roll off if they land on top. The Courtlites® unique "V" shape of the fixture will visually make the fixture appear smaller and less intrusive, yielding a modern architectural look.
Bubbles and Fabric Structures
A Courtlite® Indirect tennis lighting system is the perfect lighting solution for inflatable bubble structures. Weighing just 35-lbs each and using our unique cable mounting method, the fixtures can easily be removed for seasonal bubble applications. Many bubble structures let sunlight in during the day, in which case the Courtlite® fixtures can be dimmed or turned off to dramatically increase energy savings. The Courtlite® indirect fixtures also run much cooler than metal halides, which helps prevent yellowing and breakdown of the bubble material.

Metal Halide vs. Courtlite® T5 Fluorescent

T5 Fluorescent technology has come a long way in the last 5 years, and is now completely dominating metal halides in every respect, metal halides simply cannot compete with the powerful energy efficient T5. We have yet to find a single advantage of using the metal halide. Below are just a few of the advantages of the Courtlite® T5:
- Lamp Life 1000-watt metal halide lamps have a rated lamp life of only 10,000-12,000 hours, and due to their rapid and significant lumen depreciation the light output will diminish by 40%-60% over the lamps life. It is recommended that lamps be changed every 5,000 hours. The Courtlite® T5 fluorescent lamps have a 35,000 hour rating, 3-5 times that of the metal halide, and only 5-7% light depreciation. This means that your maintenance costs will be reduced dramatically and you will have far less wear and tear to the court surface due to frequent re lamping.
- Energy Savings A single 1000-watt metal halide fixtures input watts (lamp and ballast wattage combined) is 1080 watts. The Courtlite® Indirect replacement is only 702 watts, a total energy savings of 35%. Example: a single tennis court with ten 1000-watt metal halides operating 16 hours per day with a kWh cost of $0.10 would have an annual energy cost of $6,307. That same court using the Courtlite® T5 fluorescent indirect fixtures would have a reduced annual energy cost of $4,099 which is a savings of $2,208.
- Color Rendering plays a very important role in game performance. The ability to see colors accurately is very important, and can easily increase visibility, performance and playability of the game. Metal halide lamps have a Color Rendering Index rating (CRI) of 65. T5 lamps have a CRI of 85, one of the highest available. This has a significant impact on the perception of brightness and how the color of the court, lines and ball are seen. The Courtlite® system will make a dramatic improvement in how your courts are visualized. Your courts will be lit more like natural daylight.
- Manageability Metal Halide lamps have very limited manageability, due to the long warm-up time, a typical halide takes 12-15 minutes to achieve full lumen output. The Courtlite® T-5 offers total management, with instant on switching, and design capabilities for multiple light levels from a single fixture. Often times when courts are vacant the metal halides are kept "ON" because of the long start-up time. Now with the Courtlite® instant "ON", vacant courts can be dimmed or turned off until needed.
- Strobe Effect Metal Halide lamps actually flicker 120 times per second. When looking at static objects the flicker is not obvious. However, the next time you are watching a match in a facility that uses metal halides, watch the ball very carefully. When the speeds exceed 70mph, what you will notice is that the ball disappears for very short time. This is especially evident as the ball leaves the racquet. The ball will not be visible for the first several feet. This is the strobe effect. Courtlite® T5 fixtures do not strobe, this will give the player more time to react, because they can see the ball at all times.
- Heat Metal Halide lamps have very limited manageability options, due to the long warm-up time. a typical metal halide takes 12-15 minutes to achieve full lumen output. However, the biggest problem with the heat from the halides is that your ceiling material whether it is insulation, or membrane will likely have a shorter life due to the heat of the halides. In addition, the reflective surfaces of your ceiling will yellow over time, thus reducing the ceilings reflective values, which reduces light levels on the court. Premature replacement of your ceiling can be very costly. The Courtlite® T5 operates at only 100 degrees, which will have little or no impact on the wear of the ceiling.