Courtlite® direct lighting systems minimize glare, improve energy savings, and increase player satistfaction.
Courtlite® Direct Lighting Systems
Courtlite® Direct is a unique direct indoor tennis court lighting system. Once you have played under the Courtlite® direct system you will understand why more clubs are switching from indirect to direct lighting.
The tiered direct system minimizes the glare associated with the old direct linear tennis lighting systems by moving them up-and-away from the courts. In addition to the systems performance, the energy savings is absolutely incredible and un-matched by any other lighting system. contact us today for a no cost energy audit of your existing facility our your new tennis court construction project, and let's see just how much a new Courtlite® system can save you.

About Courtlite® Direct Systems
Courtlite® Direct is a proprietary lighting system specifically designed for indoor Tennis facilities. Our system uses three tiers with unique angles to provide maximum lighting uniformity. The Courtlite® Direct system is available in Pro and Recreational series and is designed for each facility based on the your individual lighting requirements.
Courtlite® Rec
This indoor tennis court lighting system is the most energy efficient (5616 watts per court) of all the Courtlite® systems. It is designed to provide recreational light levels for every day club level of play, however the light levels are still superior compared to most facilities in the US.
Courtlite® Pro
This is the king of the courts as this system is the highest performance system available today providing excellent tournament lighting. Even with the Courtlite® Pro's high light quality it is still extremely energy efficient (8420 watts per court. Watt for Watt the Courtlite® Pro systems are the best tennis lighting system you can buy.
Total Lighting Control and Management
Micro management is becoming a huge part of everyday business; your tennis lighting is no exception. Courtlite® designs its systems with maximum manageability. Studies of several sports facilities showed that an annual vacancy rate of 25%, or more was very common. However courts using Metal Halide lights have to leave their lights on continuously due to long start up time. The result is fully lit vacant courts, consuming energy and not producing revenue. A Courtlite® system will provide the maximum manageability because it utilizes T-5 fluorescent lamps and multiple ballasts. This design feature allows for "instant ON" providing three different light levels that you can choose based on vacancy or the type of event being staged.
Light Quality

Our application of T-5 fluorescent technology offers superior light quality. Courtlite's® direct fluorescent lamps offer a high concentration of blue light, which is absorbed by the eye more efficiently than the yellow light of indirect metal halide, Courtlite® also provides less strain and a more visible light. Similar to outdoor light, the colors and contrast of the tennis court and ball come alive, and the contrast of the courts is impeccable. With quality lighting on the ball, the play of the game is enhanced; players can now see the spin on the ball, since the ball is luminated on 70% of the ball surface. With Courtlite®'s direct lighting, the player will rarely see any shadows on the ball that are inherent with indirect lighting.