Case Study - Maroon Creek Club

Maroon Creek After Maroon Creek Before
When the iconic Maroon Creek Club in Aspen Colorado wanted to upgrade their existing tennis court lighting, they turned to Courtlite for design consultation. The existing construction and architecture of the indoor tennis courts at the country club presented a unique challenge. After discussing the various lighting options that were available, the club decided to install the Courtlite Pro direct lighting system.

The new lighting system integrated nicely with the wood beam architecture. After replacing the existing 56 1000W metal halide fixtures with the Courtlite lighting system, the club was able to reduce their energy use by 163,382 KW hours per year, which is a savings percentage of 44%. For this lighting upgrade project Maroon Creek received $25,320 in rebate incentives from the local utility, and the project is expected to pay for itself in a little over two and a half years.

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